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Sunny skies for a great 2022 Spaghetti 100

Johan van Tol | Published on 10/9/2022

The 2022 Spaghetti 100 was blessed with abundant sunshine, reasonable temperatures, low humidity (for North Florida), and a great atmosphere. Seasoned century riders as well as those riding their first century or metric century were all enthousiastic about the beautiful course. As for the dirt roads, it was reported that everybody (except for one rider..) has had to dismount at the Hicks 'sand-trap', but that otherwise the gorgeous unpaved roads were well rideable and in good condition even after three weeks without a drop of rain.

Spag 100 Dirt RIde Start
Please check back for a more complete report, and a link to the photo album.  In the meantime, when posting your pictures on social media, please use the hashtag #Spaghetti100

Bicycle House Tallahassee