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New 2020 Officers elected at Christmas Party

Published on 12/17/2019

For a third year in a row, Susan Blessing and Kevin Sossong made their home a wonderful venue for the annual holiday party. The many members present enjoyed great food, plenty of drinks, and good conversations. This time Kyle Root of gave a short presentation about the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Education Program, which is funded by FDOT and administered by the University of Florida. Leon county is one of poster child counties for this program, in no small part due to the Kids on Bikes program of Capital City Cyclists. This program reaches thousands of kids, teaching them to ride a bike and how to ride safely in trafffic. This program is always in need of volunteers to help the PE teachers run their classes. If you are interested in helping out or want to learn more, please contact Kyle (

Traditionally the holiday party also features the election for the officers of the board. This year there were 4 courageous volunteers to head up the CCC board in 2020, and all four were elected unanimously by those present. After several years as vice-president, Jim Mann will take over as president. Jane Fletcher will continue another year as club secretary, while Kelly Beacher will come back as treasurer. Dan Thompson will come on board as vice-president. Complementing the board will be Hans van Tol as past president and webmaster, Karen Loewen as social media director, and Joe Barnett as advocacy chair. 
Many thanks go to Sara Dugger and Marvin (Marv) Rubenstein who will be rotating off the board. Sara was our 2019 Treasurer, whil Marv has been in charge of the membership for many, many years, Please thank them for dedicating so much of their scarce free time volunteering for our club. 

Bicycle House Tallahassee